
Showing posts from August, 2019

pool time!


I started this blog for a school assignment but then I thought why stop now?

I’m still grateful, so let’s keep it going.

I would like to end my blog with a picture of my Unlces, who have grown up to be men in my life that motivate, encourage and most of all Love deeply.

                                                                                   Jaime and Chon

Pacific Northwest, oh how I love you!


Jarrells Cove


It’s the little things that count.


The Yakima Valley is full of beauty.


Sunsets remind me that everything has an ending.That is the circle of life


Grateful finals week is almost over!

Sometimes the world looks better upside down.


Morning coffee is the best


Lake house with Family.


Popsicle & Bae


Hanging out on the porch with Great Grandma and Grandpa


They learn a lot just by looking at what you do, I guess I’ve been on my laptop a lot lately.


Gratitude in silence


Bless this mess.


Jamie: Father, Son, Uncle.

Yakima River Canyon Marathon Series 2019 Starting from the left is my Aunt Mari, myself,Uncle Chon, Aunt Kim, Aunt Trini. We all dedicated ourselves to training for a Full / Half marathon in March. The Green metal stood for the full and the Purple for the half. We did this in Honor of the passing of my Uncle Jaime Abundiz who was Kims' husband. He was The Families  Marathon Runner with too many to count under his belt. (I don't know the exact number but he had a lot of metals) and passed away at the age of 41 years. Aug.25,2018. My Uncle Chon ran with his number "8". August this year has been bittersweet in that I start to remember his final days. I look at this picture and I am grateful for the feeling that we had that day. All of us, running with heavy hearts but feeling like he was running with us in spirit. I smile because I made it but also because I achieved more than I thought I could that day . Jaime was an awesome uncle to me and more than that. It...